Wonder Women

We all have something other people admire. From kindness, ability to listen and organisational skills to confidence and leadership ability. It’s important for us as women to have aspirations of qualities we want to embody, and skill sets we want to develop. Of course, this is where role models come in. Role models can be…

Relaxation For Working Moms

After a little one – or two or three – and you’re back at work, life can be one big balancing act. Being a working mom is sometimes a personal choice, sometimes a financial one, sometimes it’s about being stimulated and having an identity outside the home. Whatever the reason, it can be tough for…

Getting Your Vitamin D On

Being low in a particular vitamin can actually be fairly serious. If you’re low in Vitamin D, you’re much more prone to getting sick or picking up infections, you’re likely to feel fatigued and tired all the time and are much more susceptible to depression. Other symptoms are bone, back and muscle pain, wounds that…

Valentine’s Day Movies For Singles & Couples

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and whether you’re a romantic or a cynic, who doesn’t enjoy cuddling up on the couch in front of a great movie?  Grab the chocolate and the wine with your S.O., mom, dad, best friend, dog or whomever else you’re spending Valentine’s with, and enjoy one of these…

Be a Natural Beauty: Organic and Natural Beauty Products

Beauty has become fairly high tech these days, with very complex compounds, scientific sounding names and price tags to match! There are some amazing products out there, but understandably some of us want to keep things natural and chemical free. There’s also a growing trend for synthetic fragrance, paraben and sodium laurel sulphate free lotions…

Winter Workouts

Making yourself exercise in winter can be tough going. If you’re in a regular routine and tend to be a bit of a gym bunny, the colder weather and darker nights might not seem quite as intimidating. If like most of us, you start to find it harder to keep yourself on track, here are…

Beauty and Well Being Tips for New Moms

How being prepared, great foundation, good concealer and glasses of water will make all the difference to the first few weeks of motherhood. Pregnancy! What a roller coaster of a time. Everyone has stories that begin ‘Oh yeah I remember when I was pregnant.’ But what happens after that life-changing event?  Does anyone talk about…