Why Do My Polygel Nails Pop Off and How Do I Stop It?

Polygel nails have a reputation for being strong, long-lasting, and flexible. While these characteristics may make Polygel nails sound so amazing, not everyone has the same experiences with them. Because they’re still a relatively new addition to the various types of nail extensions and manicures you can choose, not everyone is as experienced with applying…

Can You Bring Hairspray on a Plane? – Aerosol Guidelines 2022

Are you planning to travel for work or pleasure in the near future? If so, you’re probably already planning out exactly what you need to pack. You’re likely thinking about everything you’ll need for styling your hair. And you may have a few questions about what products you are allowed to bring on an airplane,…

Best After Tan Lotion for Post-Sunbathing Hydration

Whether you are soothing sunburn or trying to extend your tan, what to put on after tanning outside is extremely important when knowing what to do after tanning in the sun. To make your life a little easier, I have pulled together some of the best products aimed at various after-sun skincare routines. To know…

Best Sunscreen for Tanning – Sunscreen That Helps You Tan??

Protecting your skin in the sun is one of life’s harder challenges. Especially if you are someone who spends a lot of time in the sun, whether that be for work, vacation, or you simply loving the feeling of the sun’s rays hitting off your face. However, keeping your skin safe whilst achieving a beautifully…

Can You Bring Shaving Cream on a Plane? 2022 Travel Guidelines

Are you getting ready to jet off to somewhere warm and exciting? Or, perhaps you have a business trip coming up. Either way, you may be asking, “can you bring shaving cream on a plane?” Understanding the TSA requirements for flying with liquids, or even aerosols, can be confusing. Let’s take a look at the…

Best Under Eye Setting Powder for Mature Skin – Yes, You Can Use Setting Powder!

Applying makeup can always be a tricky task, particularly as your skin begins to age and fine lines and wrinkles stop you from achieving an even and balanced result. Under the eyes can be one of the first places people notice skin maturing, simply because we develop fine lines and wrinkles here from smiling! You…

Best Eyelash Extension Cleanser – Keep Gunk Out of Your Eyes!

Lash extensions can enhance your look and help you achieve longer and fuller looking eyelashes. However, keeping your lash extensions clean is essential. When not properly cleaned, you risk introducing bacteria to your eye area, dealing with lashes that are clumping up, and more. Choosing the best eyelash extension cleanser can help you avoid these…

Can You Wear Jewelry Through Airport Security – Avoid Accessory Trouble!

Traveling can be a lot of fun. However, preparing for your upcoming trip, especially if you’ll be flying, can also be stressful. In addition to thinking about all the things you need to pack for the trip, you also have to worry about getting through airport security. If you like to wear jewelry, you may…

The Best Eye Primer for Mature Skin – Long Lasting Eyeshadow Performance

Choosing makeup once your skin has begun to mature can be a lot trickier than it may seem. Products that you once swore by and wore religiously may not longer take the same shape and effect on your face. It is important as you grow to adapt your makeup and skin routine to what is…

Best Conditioner for Tangled Hair: What Conditioner Helps Detangle Hair?

Dealing with tangled and knotty hair can be so frustrating and painful. Trying to brush through knots hurts and can cause some hairs to break or fall out. Did you know that choosing the right conditioner can help you detangle your hair? Well, it can! Keep reading; today we’re going to look at the best…

Can You Mix Benzoyl Peroxide and Salicylic Acid? – A Good or Bad Idea

Benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are common ingredients in many acne products. They have each shown to be effective at clearing up and preventing acne breakouts. But, can you mix benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid at the same time? Does doing so create a more effective acne treatment, or could it be potentially dangerous or…

Does Isopropyl Alcohol Expire? Does Rubbing Alcohol Expire? Yes or No, Answered Here

If you’re like me, you may hardly use that bottle of isopropyl alcohol in your medicine cabinet. However, every now and then a need arises for alcohol. If you just reached for the old isopropyl alcohol in your medicine cabinet and noticed that it was past the printed expiration date, you may be wondering if…

Best Sunscreen to Prevent Tanning – Which sunscreen is best to avoid a tan?

Looking after your skin is one of the most important things to do not only to prevent aging, but to ensure that you have healthy skin that is resistant on a daily basis. Having a strong skincare routine is one of the best ways to achieve this. But another very important factor that contributes to…

Why Use a Foundation Brush? Do You Need One at All?

There is a lot of confusion about the best way to apply foundation. Should you use your fingers? A sponge? A foundation brush? While there are certainly arguments for any of these methods, today, we’re going to take a look at why you should consider using a foundation brush when you’re applying foundation to your…

Tinted Moisturizer vs Foundation: Learn How Different They Really Are!

Tinted moisturizer vs foundation: what is the difference? If you’re asking this question, you’re not alone. Many individuals are confused about the difference between tinted moisturizer and foundation and wonder which is the best fit for their needs. Today, we’re going to take a closer look at tinted moisturizers and foundation to see how they…

How to Keep Hair From Tangling at Night? – Nighttime Hair Care Tips

If you’re tired of waking up with knots and tangles in your hair, you’re probably looking for how to keep hair from tangling at night.  Nothing is worse than spending time in the evening to brush all the tangles out of your hair, only to wake up the next morning to a mess.  Fortunately, there…

Badly Matted Hair Extensions – What to Do and How to Fix It

Hair extensions can transform the way you look. Whether you add temporary or more permanent extensions, the impact they can have on your appearance is dramatic. If you’ve always wanted long hair, but don’t want to wait for it to grow, hair extensions may be the answer you’re looking for. However, after trying hair extensions…

6 Best Deep Conditioner for Relaxed Hair – Avoid Dried Out Locks!

Hair relaxing can help you achieve gorgeously straight and sleek hair. However, if you don’t properly care for your relaxed hair, it won’t remain healthy and won’t continue to look its best. Deep conditioning your relaxed hair should be an important part of your hair care routine. With so many deep conditioners and masques on…

What is the Best Korean Mineral Sunscreen? – 7 Top Sunscreens

Who isn’t a huge fan of K-beauty? Korean skincare products have really taken off across the globe and are revolutionizing the way we care for our skin. One of the most important things you can do to keep your skin healthy is to protect it with sunscreen. Choosing a Korean mineral sunscreen will help you…

What Color Cancels Out Pink Hair – How to Neutralize Pink Colored Hair

Pink can be such a fun hair color. However, after some time, you may become bored or tired of having pink hair. Or, perhaps you need to remove the ‘fun’ color to get your hair back to a more normal color for work, school, or something else. If so, you’re probably looking to find the…

Best Sunscreen for Melasma and Hyperpigmentation

If you have melasma, you probably know all too well how exposure to the UV rays from the sun can lead to flare-ups. Choosing the right sunscreen can make all the difference in keeping your melasma under control and preventing these flare-ups that can increase the areas of hyperpigmentation. If you’re ready to find the…

Lancome vs Chanel Skincare – Which is Better for the Skin?

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. Taking care of it and keeping it healthy is so important. Not only does it help prevent breakouts and ensure your skin stays in good condition, but it can also improve your self-confidence and readiness to take on the world. If you’re looking to really spurge…

Is Pantene Bad For Hair – The Good and the Bad of Using Pantene

The world of hair care products is a vast and confusing place, with many myths and rumors about what is good and what is bad, which only makes it all that more difficult to understand how best we can care for our hair. We all desire that healthy, shiny, full head of flowing hair. But…

Best Korean Cleansing Oil – Top K-Beauty Oil Cleansers

If you’ve been following Korean skin care, you may be familiar with double cleansing. This technique, which first became popular in Korea, involves using an oil-based cleanser first. Oil based cleansers can be very effective in removing dirt, debris, makeup, and oil. After this first cleansing step, the next step in a double cleanse is…

What is a Tapered Face Brush Used For? – A Quick Brush Guide

With so many different types of makeup brushes, it can be overwhelming to keep track of what each one is used for. Today, we’re going to take a look at tapered face brushes and answer all of these pressing questions! So, what is a tapered face brush used for? Read on to learn more about…